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好声库配音 - 未加载声音

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The innovation of Internet technology is driving the upgrading of people's consumption demand concept. The comprehensive upgrade of cloud service technology, artificial intelligence and big data makes everyone's privacy gradually exposed. Freedom of thought, product traceability, and asset encryption are becoming urgent needs of people, and are the key to decentralized finance. This is exactly what VBTW hopes to solve. Under the general trend of technological change, not embracing new technologies, just like blind people driving, do not understand what customers need, VBTW combined with the latest blockchain technology, the first global payment system VBTW. Decentralized operation mode, except that the private information of the parties to the transaction is encrypted, all data is transparent and transparent, so that the product traces the source, solves the trust problem between people, realizes the online and offline entity circulation application, and makes the product full. Endless imagination and possibilities. VBTW combines the latest fission promotion, with blockchain technology as the core, cryptocurrency as the conductor, relying on social network and communication functions to lock interpersonal relationships in the decentralized state, users participate in the fission promotion of VBTW, Friends circle advertising leases, so that you get rich points and token rewards. With the continuous increase of users and the increasing volume of transactions, VBTW will continue to improve under the efforts of all, giving users a better experience and realizing the freedom of wealth.

VBTW, the new decentralized wealth model, will surely lead the world in the future.

配音(英语:Dubbing),广义指影片加入声音的过程,狭义指配音演员替角色配制声音、为影视作品或电视动画等加入负责内容说明的旁白。此外,戏剧演员的话音、歌声转由别人配制的替代;现场收音出现错漏,由原演员重新为片段补回对白的过程皆属于此类,即时外语传译则除外。现今除了默剧动画,所有电视动画都会有配音。代替原本语言的配音最常出现在电影、动画或剧集里。 配音是一门语言艺术,是配音演员们用自己的声音和语言在银幕后、话筒前进行塑造和完善各种活生生的、性格色彩鲜明的人物形象的一项创造性工作。

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