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首页 > 配音案例 > 能源公司宣传片英文配音




Our company’s journey started with one clear objective; to become an industry leader in global infrastructure investment. I Squared Capital has worked toward that objective by constructing low-carbon environments and green energy ecosystems, and providing cleaner, more energy efficient, water solutions while maintaining ESG investment principals.



We understand industrial development trends, envision cities changing for the better, and comprehend developmental directions going into the future. Our company works round the clock for innovative development and aspiring blueprints to make a global impact.



ISQ reached China in 2014 when it established Asia Cube Holdings (ACH), the holding company of CCW (China Cube Water) and ACE (Asia Cube Energy).


2014年,ISQ来到中国,建立Asia Cube Holding(ACH)ACH投资平台,下辖CCW华方水务公司和ACE亚洲能源立方公司

In just four years, ACH has made investments, developed its capacity and capabilities, and delivered the growth in areas such as water treatment, CHP cogeneration, and renewable power generation. ACH has created a multi-faceted system of investment by combining financial expertise and capital deployment capability, deep industry experience, and high quality professionals to invest capital and grow our various portfolio companies to create maximum value for our investors.



Screen effect text content: ISQ entered the industrial wastewater treatment industry with its establishment of China Cube Water in 2014.

In 2014, ISQ created the ACE CHP platform to focus on the development and operation of CHP cogeneration projects in Asia.

In the fourth quarter of 2015, ISQ began establishment of renewable platform.

画面特效文字内容:ISQ2014收购China CUBE WATER,进入市政工业污水处理领域。

2014年创立了ACE CHP业务平台,专门从事亚洲热电联产项目的开发和运营。

2015年4季度 ISQ着手搭建光伏业务平台。




As the frontrunner of ISQ’s investments in China, the water platform CCW focuses particularly on municipal and industrial wastewater treatment. The water platform operates nine wastewater treatment plants in four provinces across the country, serving a population of nearly two million. Over the last four years, through a combination of TOT and BOT investment and operations model, the platform has grown to treat over 75 million tons of municipal and industrial wastewater annually.


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In 2014, CCW acquired Yongcheng I, II, III, IV, and V Wastewater Treatment Plant in Henan Province, with a combined daily treatment capacity of 77,500 tons.

In 2015, CCW acquired Gongping Wastewater Treatment Plant with a daily treatment capacity of 20,000 tons, who entered operation in 2018.

In 2016, CCW acquired Xianyang Wastewater Treatment Plant with a daily treatment capacity of 50,000 tons.

In January 2019, CCW achieved 100% control of the company.

Today, all nine wastewater treatment plants are compliant with the national highest discharge standard Class A.









We use advanced technology to reduce the water pollution, we create unlimited potential from limited natural resources, we turn crystal-clear waters and azure-blue skies from a dream into a reality.


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Future plan:

To expand Yongcheng Plant III by additional capacity of 15,000 tons per day; To start construction in the first quarter of 2019; To complete in the second quarter of 2020.

To expand Yongcheng Plant IV and V, by additional capacity of 20,000 tons per day, respectively; To start construction in the third quarter of 2019. To complete in the first quarter of 2021.

We have pipeline water projects with a capacity of more than 100,000 tons per day in total. We are entering the hazardous waste treatment industry.

配音(英语:Dubbing),广义指影片加入声音的过程,狭义指配音演员替角色配制声音、为影视作品或电视动画等加入负责内容说明的旁白。此外,戏剧演员的话音、歌声转由别人配制的替代;现场收音出现错漏,由原演员重新为片段补回对白的过程皆属于此类,即时外语传译则除外。现今除了默剧动画,所有电视动画都会有配音。代替原本语言的配音最常出现在电影、动画或剧集里。 配音是一门语言艺术,是配音演员们用自己的声音和语言在银幕后、话筒前进行塑造和完善各种活生生的、性格色彩鲜明的人物形象的一项创造性工作。

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